Mantra Your Base Chakra 

Mantras are specific sounds which have long been used to activate the chakras by chanting the sound that resonates to the particular chakra vibration.

Sound is probably THE most powerful way to activate and balance your chakra system.

When I was in India I visited an ayurvedic doctor who prescribed mantra meditation for me.

He noticed my base/root chakra Muladhara – which literally means root support – needed activating. An underactive root chakra had left me feeling dizzy, disconnected and unsupported in life.

So let’s start at the root and practise this daily for 7 days and each week I will guide you through the next chakra meditation using freely available videos on YouTube.

Here’s the video with the mantra sound you can chant along to.

To begin, sit comfortably with your butt or feet connected to the floor. Really feel that connection to the solid earth supporting you. As you breathe in draw energy through your root chakra at the base of your spine, around your pelvic floor for women and sexual organs for men.

Draw this energy into to your base chakra, located at the base of your spine. You may like to visualise the colour red here. 

Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, sexual and anal muscles – or Moola bandha, the root lock – hold the breath and the energy at your base chakra. Then as you exhale chant the mantra “Lam.”

Let the sound be your exhale. Feel the sound vibrating through your base chakra. Imagine the sound pushing down through your root chakra as you connect with the earth.

If it feels like too much to focus on the breathing and the bandha and the sound, just focus on the sound and put your attention onto the base of your spine. 

I find our energy body meets us where we are, responding to the intention and the sound vibration, so you don’t need to do it perfectly. You can always fine-tune the practice as you get used to it.

Having a balanced root chakra will help you feel secure, grounded and provide ease of physical movement.

It will also provide a good foundation for your whole chakra system.

Repeat this for a few minutes each day and notice how much more present and stable you feel.

Hari Om Tat Sat. Namaste. Blessings.

Base Chakradance Journey this Sunday

Try Chakradance – Rhythm for your soul

The Heart Chakra

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, you need to decide what difference you want to make.” Jane Goodall

This week we journey into Anahata, the heart chakra. This is the chakra of love and compassion.

When the heart chakra is open and balanced, we are able to walk through life with heart. Walking with heart means walking through life with loving kindness and generosity.

Throughout our lives, it is inevitable that we experience pain in our hearts. We get hurt in relationships. This is part of the human journey. 

These sufferings can cause us to shut down our hearts so that we don’t feel the pain. But when we close our hearts for protection, we also close our hearts to the flow of love, forgiveness and compassion.

The Sanskrit word for the heart chakra is अनाहत, Anāhata, meaning “un-struck.” This name conceptualises the idea that the heart is resonant, an ‘unstruck’ instrument echoing the sounds of the celestial realm, as they manifest in our own unique being.

Anahata also means unhurt and unbeaten. Which is a nice image for those feeling a little weary of heart.

I must have read that word  – unstruck – about a hundred times, but every time I read it as ‘un-stuck’. So I’m going to go with that. It makes sense to me that I could get ‘unstuck’ through opening my heart chakra.

So how do I get my heart unstuck? How do I get unstuck from the past and into present moment awareness?

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” Dalai Lama

Movement, sound and breath are the keys for me. Moving freely with my arms open, breathing deeply, expanding my chest and lungs, as I dance to harmonious music, always brings me back to my heart centre.

As Anahata is related to the element air, it is accessible through the breath. 

Visualising breathing through your heart centre, imagining love-filled light entering your body via your heart is a wonderful heart-opening exercise.

In Chakradance, to dance the heart chakra is to move with lightness, joy and compassion. 

In this dance we have the intention of gently beginning to let go of the hurts in our hearts so that we can open to pure love. The Heart Chakradance is like a ritual for healing your heart.

We begin with the ‘white light’ moving meditation, before moving into the dance. We will finish by creating a mandala artwork, and we’ll have a short time for feedback and sharing, before our closing meditation.

In Chakradance, we move the arms to feel uplifted, light and free, we dance a soaring journey of love, compassion and joy.

“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.” Confucius

Through your heart chakra, you have the choice to expand your consciousness through the power of love, openness and receptivity, or contract your consciousness through the power of fear.

The heart is so much more than the source of romantic love, many cultures believe the heart chakra is the seat of your soul in your body.

The heart is the ‘other’ mind of our body, the wisdom centre of the soul, and it is far more responsible for governing our lives and actions than we give it credit for.

Meditating on the heart chakra helps to shift from ego-based, fearful actions, or karma, to resonating with the energy of our higher self, and what yogis might call dharma or higher purpose.

Come and dance the Heart Chakradance Journey with us, save your spot here

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings,


Heart Chakradance this Thursday 23 August at The Revitalise Centre 

Upcoming events at Raw Mojo Chakradance here

What is Chakradance? Base Chakra


What is Chakradance?

Starting at the Base Chakra, we use sound and movement to connect in with our subtle energy or chakras, releasing stuck energy, activating and cleansing our vital life force energy for vitality and wellbeing.

At the base chakra we move our legs and feet to tribal beats, activating the foundation of our energy system, which provides stability, support and security to us energetically.

Here’s a little video I made to show you a taste of the base Chakradance. Why not try it for yourself… ❤

Experience Freedom – the brand new Chakradance journey


Would you love to awaken your inner vitality and wellbeing? To feel calm, centred, joyful and free?

Sometimes all you need is a map or a practice to guide you back to your inner sense of authenticity, vibrancy and freedom.

Chakradance is designed to do just that.

Chakradance is a holistic (mind, body, spirit) wellbeing modality – a fusion of ancient wisdoms and modern music. Think of it as a kind of musical sister of yoga, but without the set asanas.

It uses very specific music, created to resonate with each in turn of the 7 major chakras, with free-form movement and mandala art-making at the end of each class, to help integrate whatever has come up for participants in the dance.

I am super-excited to be offering my first cycle of the new Chakradance Freedom series. This is a magnificent new cycle with masterfully composed music designed to resonate to each chakra with beautiful new guided meditations. 

The feedback from participants is that this series is even more powerful and exquisite than ever. I can’t wait to share it with you.

Freedom is an in-depth Chakradance experience.

Over an 8 week cycle, you will experience transformational soul work through your chakra system, which can create shifts in all areas of your life, from love, success and confidence to happiness and inner peace.

Every one of us has seven major chakras and each chakra influences an aspect of our lives – from our instincts, sexuality and personal power through to how we love, communicate, use our intuition and connect to our deepest source of spirituality.

Dance is a powerful way to move and shift our energy, allowing blocks to surface and be healed. Chakradance combines the power of the shamanic dance journey and the wisdom of the chakra system to create a system of soul healing like no other.

This is a deep dive into your energy system, your essence, your spirit. Held in a beautiful sacred space, with a small group, this is an opportunity to journey deep into your innermost self and rediscover your sense of freedom and vitality.

Join me on a brand new Chakradance Journey. Dance your way into your authentic self through your seven chakras.

Meet with seven spirit guides to take you deep on an inner voyage to the seven different landscapes, seven different, inner worlds of your subtle energy body or chakras.

At the base chakra a spirit Elder will guide you in a sacred dance journey to deepen your connection with Mother Earth.

A Divine Goddess will lead you on a sacred water journey diving deep into your sacral chakra.

Entering the Solar Plexus dance, you will meet your Spiritual Warrior who will guide you through a powerful solar fire dance, connecting you with your divine protection, power and inner strength.

Immersing yourself in the delicious, healing energies of the Heart dance, you meet an Angel guide who will guide you on a journey to connect with the deepest yearnings of your soul.

In a sacred cathedral of sound, your Ethereal Being guide will take you on a journey of sound and vibration. You become a clear channel for your soul.

At the peak of a mountain, your Seer guide invites you on an initiation journey, to activate your Third Eye vision, your portal to the insight of spirit.

Finally a Light Being escorts you on a journey to celebrate your soul’s journey, to remember who you truly are and your divine connection with all the other souls on your journey.

In the final week, we integrate all these divine rituals into one dance. You reflect on the divine being that you are. You celebrate all the support from your beautiful spirit guides. You feel the freedom of truly being YOU.

I do hope you will join me on this truly exquisite journey.

Bookings are essential as spaces are limited.

For those of you who are new to Chakradance, there is also an Introductory session on Tuesday 16 May or Thursday 18 May

Session times:

Every Tuesday or Thursday night for 8 weeks from 23 May or 25 May, 7:00-8:30pm
The Chakradance series consists of 8 x 90-minute workshops (a workshop on each of the 7 chakras, and an integration workshop).

This cycle is run over 8 weeks.

Each workshop begins with a white light  moving meditation, then each week a specific Chakradance journey for the chakra in focus, followed by a mandala art exercise, and finally a closing meditation.

This is a deep dive into your energy system, your essence, your spirit. Held in a beautiful sacred space, with a small group, this is an opportunity to journey deep into your innermost self and rediscover your sense of freedom and vitality.

Bookings essential as spaces are limited. Book here on eventbrite 

***Early bird prices finish on May 7***

Hari Om Tat Sat. Namaste. Blessings.

Christina at Raw Mojo