The crown chakra – downloading the divine

The seventh chakra is the gateway to universal or divine consciousness. In this sense, we begin by “downloading the Divine.” Anodea Judith

This is the wisdom of the crown chakra – focusing within, focusing on our breath, focusing on our inspired creative vision, and setting intentions for each day to bring that vision from thought into being.

In this way we become a vessel, a unique expression of the divine source energy expressed through our individuality.

There is a time for action, but first, it is a time for allowing the inspiration to come and trusting it when it does.

This week, we explore the crown chakra, or Sahasrara, which means “thousandfold.” It implies the infinite nature of this chakra, which provides us with our most direct connection with the divine. It is from this connection that we can open to the divine spark of inspiration.

This chakra is always active, it’s just that our individual consciousness may not be refined enough to experience it.

Once the third eye master chakra is activated, and the lower chakras are balanced, and the upper chakras are flowing with life force and integrated, the crown energy becomes available to us and all of our chakras become lit up with this source energy.

The crown chakra is the highest of the seven chakras. Visualised at the crown of the head as a thousand-petalled lotus flower, which according to ancient Indian Hindu-tantric tradition, represents enlightenment, wholeness and infinity. The advait, the non-dual self. That singularity, that indivisible whole which is expressing itself as our individuality, totally merges here.

At conception, it is said the crown chakra creates the child’s consciousness, which then travels down to the root chakra, where it coils up as the Kundalini, our infinite potential. Through yogic practices we raise the Kundalini Shakti up through the chakras to the crown to once again experience this wholeness, of unity consciousness.

As we develop the crown chakra, we become increasingly aware of consciousness itself – the eternal part of us that is beyond ego, thought, feeling, and body.

All of our chakras are within the realms of our psyche. Sahasrara acts through nothing whilst acting through everything. It is the centre of supreme consciousness, where all polarities integrate, moving us beyond the fluctuations of the mind in a relative reality.

At this point all activities of the mind – thoughts, feelings, desires, emotions – are dissolved and the yogi attains a state of true bliss or Sat-Chit-Ananda (truth, consciousness and bliss.) Once this has been attained the yogi stays in this non-dual consciousness, both experiencing unity and the ability to function in the world. Every chakra – all aspects of our being – start to be imbued with the value of Sat-Chit-Ananda (truth, consciousness and bliss.)

Even to tap into this consciousness for a moment, is a moment of bliss. Join us this week as we explore this, quite literally, divine energy.

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings.

Christina at Raw Mojo

Sattva Yoga Crown Chakra Flow this Friday 23 August 10am here

Try Chakradance – Rhythm for your soul


* Raw Mojo * Chakradance * Yoga * Meditation*

Open your heart


“Close your eyes, fall in love, stay there.” Rumi

This week we journey into Anahata, the heart chakra. This is the chakra of love and compassion.

When the heart chakra is open, with a steady supply of prana or life force energy, we are able to walk through life with a strong spine and open heart. Walking with an open heart means walking through life with trust, loving kindness and generosity.

Throughout our lives, it is inevitable that we experience emotional pain. We experience the impermanent nature of life. We get hurt in relationships. This is part of the human journey.

These sufferings can cause us to shut down our hearts so that we don’t feel the pain. But when we close our hearts for protection, we also close our hearts to the flow of love, forgiveness and compassion.

The Sanskrit word for the heart chakra is अनाहत, Anāhata, meaning “un-struck.” This name conceptualises the idea that the heart is resonant, an ‘unstruck’ instrument resonating to the sounds of the celestial realm, a hint of the transcendent manifest in our own unique being.

Anahata also means unhurt and unbeaten. Which is a nice image for those feeling a little weary of heart.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” Dalai Lama

Movement, sound and breath are the keys for heart opening. Moving freely with my arms open, breathing deeply, expanding my chest and lungs, as I dance to harmonious music, always brings me back to my heart centre.

As Anahata is related to the element air, it is accessible through the breath.

Visualising breathing through your heart centre, imagining love-filled light entering your body via your heart is a wonderful heart-opening exercise.

In Chakradance, to dance the heart chakra is to move with lightness, joy and compassion.

In this dance we have the intention of gently beginning to let go of the hurts stored in our body so that we can open to pure love. The Heart Chakradance is like a ritual for healing your heart.

We begin with the ‘white light’ moving meditation, before moving into the dance. We will finish by creating a mandala artwork, and we’ll have a short time for feedback and sharing, before our closing meditation.

In Chakradance, we move the arms to feel uplifted, light and free, we dance a soaring journey of love, compassion and joy.

“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.” Confucius

Through your heart chakra, you have the choice to expand your consciousness through the power of love, openness and receptivity, or contract your consciousness through the power of fear.

The heart is so much more than the source of romantic love, many cultures believe the heart chakra is the seat of your soul in your body.

The heart is the ‘other’ mind of our body, the wisdom centre of the soul, and it is far more responsible for governing our lives and actions than we give it credit for.

Meditating on the heart chakra helps to shift from ego-based, fearful actions, or karma, to resonating with the energy of our higher self, and what yogis might call dharma or higher purpose.

“Is it not fascinating to you, that right now we are floating around on a tiny blue dot, surrounded by  infinity in all directions. Nobody is totally, absolutely certain of how we are here and yet here we are. It is not fascinating to you, the amount of grace it takes for you to have a breath, this breath you just took? Don’t you think this is love? Then what is it that keeps us longing for it and not giving us the permission to experience it?” Anand Mehrotra

As long as energy is not available at the heart, we are not capable of a sustained experience of love.

It is important to realise that the heart is never “broken.” Emotional hurt and fear is stored in your lower two chakras. Through balancing your lower chakras, activating your navel intelligence, you free up so much energy to move up into your heart.

Here you can transcend existential angst, where you experience life as a painful struggle and build walls of protection around yourself.

As you balance the lower chakras, you experience stability, flow, steadfast will. Your energy can flow freely up into your heart. When emotion arises you can observe it, respond appropriately, you do not get hijacked by it.

Life becomes the flow of grace. Even pain has its purpose. You develop a deep and abiding trust in the flow of life.

Trust is highest expression of love. Trust is about you trusting yourself. Trusting yourself to experience life as it unfolds, without fear or grasping.

This is the purpose of yoga and subtle energy practices like Chakradance, to transcend these old patterns and emotional states into a more expansive experience of life.

Come and try Sattva Flow, a chakra-centred yoga practice, save your spot here

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings,


Heart Sattva Yoga Flow this Friday 7 June

Upcoming events at Raw Mojo Chakradance here

Manifesting divine abundance through the crown chakra

This is the real secret of life – to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play. Alan Wilson Watts

Our Chakradance journey begins at the base chakra where we feel a strong connection to our bodies and relationship to Mother Earth, in the sacral chakra we explore our emotions and feelings, in the solar plexus chakra we encounter our personal power, in the heart chakra we unite our masculine and feminine energies in a sacred union, the throat chakra allows us to find our truthful expression and the third eye opens us up to higher powers of perception.

In traditional Tantric philosophy the crown chakra is simply depicted as the thousand-petaled lotus. It has no seed sound, no element or other associations. Awakening the crown chakra it is really a consummation of our experience of all the other chakras.

The beauty of moving up through all the chakras to our crown chakra, balancing and clearing our energy centres along the way, is that we create an open channel for this divine energy to pour in and to nourish us and our lives.

The seven chakras are embedded into our nervous system. When aligned, they form a vertical channel along our core. Within this channel, two major currents of energy move upward and downward: the currents of liberation and manifestation. Anodea Judith

While much chakra work focuses on the ascending energy flow, there is also a descending energy flow where we bring this divine cosmic energy of source down into our chakras and into our lives, this is the energetic flow of manifestation, as divine consciousness becomes denser and eventually manifests into physical form through the actions we create in our lives.

In the process of liberation, we work to clear and open each chakra by letting go of fixed patterns, blocks and imbalances. In the process of manifestation, we bring energy down from the crown, condensing and focusing it into a denser pattern. We do this by expressing ourselves through each chakra, and moving the energy downward step by step toward the earth.

As we do in Chakradance, the upward liberating current should be cleared first, as it opens the pathway that makes manifestation easier.

We are now at the gateway to the spirit whose entrance is at Sahasrara, the crown chakra. The divine spark of inspiration is awakened at the crown chakra. It aligns us to our soul purpose -what we are doing here – who we are meant to truly be. This chakra connects us to the source of all creation. Take a deep breath and surrender yourself to the oneness. Chakradance

This week, we explore the crown chakra, or Sahasrara, which means “thousandfold.” It implies the infinite nature of this chakra, which provides us with our most direct connection with the divine. It is from this connection that we can open to the divine spark of inspiration.

The dance of sahasrara is an invitation to the soul to enter the body through the crown chakra in the top of the head.

The crown chakra is the highest of the seven chakras. Visualised at the crown of the head as a thousand-petalled lotus flower, which according to ancient Indian Hindu-tantric tradition, represents enlightenment, wholeness and infinity.

The crown chakra opens upward, like a funnel. This chakra is our avenue to higher states of consciousness. As we develop it, we become increasingly aware of consciousness itself – the eternal part of us that is beyond ego, thought, feeling, and body.

From a psychological perspective, Carl Jung says that it is at the crown chakra that the ego and the self unite, the self being that inner spark of perennial wisdom whether that is God, Buddha or the white light. Awakening of this chakra is said to be the last step in the evolution of human consciousness.

Developing this chakra unifies us with the Divine Source, as well as everything else in the universe. This is unimaginably blissful.

As we are opening to higher levels of consciousness, we may start to receive spiritual insights or messages. Although these experiences may be subtle, they are deeply powerful.

In our modern culture many of us get caught up in our day-to-day living and often lose contact with the deeper significance of our lives. This can leave us feeling empty and our lives can begin to feel meaningless. This is why finding this spiritual connection is so important. The more connected we are to our spiritual source, the more harmonious our lives can be. Natalie Southgate

The more connected we are to our spiritual source, the more harmonious our life can be. Many chronic issues may just drop away; answers to deep questions and problems intuitively drop in. We come to know our spiritual purpose, our reason for being. We feel a sense unconditional love and oneness with all life. We feel truly liberated, seeing how we can live a life of great clarity, meaning, and value.

This divine spark cannot enter a full mind, so the state that precedes this is emptiness. Like Kevin Costner’s character in Tin Cup, who commands before each pitch of the baseball “clear the mechanism,” it is only when we can let go of our thoughts of what is that we can be filled with inspiration for what could be.

The crown chakra represents the spark of creativity that is transformed into personal consciousness. It governs the process by which we receive inspiration, and then ask ourselves how it relates to our life purpose.

Inspiration has multiple meanings: a divine influence, a moment of creative intelligence, or the drawing in of breath.

The seventh chakra is the gateway to universal or divine consciousness. In this sense, we begin by “downloading the Divine.” Anodea Judith

Anodea Judith describes the chakras as organizational centres for the reception, assimilation, and expression of life force energy. The crown chakra is the entry point of universal spirit into the individual body.

This chakra represents consciousness itself, in the form of thoughts, intelligence, understanding, ideas, beliefs, thinking, interpretations, and intentions.

Consciousness enters the crown chakra from the divine source, the conscious universe of matter, space, energy, time, and awareness.

We begin the manifestation process when we open to the divine, invoking through prayer, meditation, worship, and devotion. We align with spirit and with our life purpose, ask questions and set our intentions. You may feel the presence of grace, a whisper of guidance, a sudden insight or idea, or receiving information that sparks your intention to create something new. Anodea Judith

This is the wisdom of the crown chakra – focusing within, focusing on our breath, focusing on our creative vision, and setting intentions for each day to bring that vision from thought into being.

In this way we become a vessel, a unique expression of the divine source energy expressed through our being.

There is a time for action, but first, it is a time for allowing the inspiration to come and trusting it when it does.

Affirming actions to open your crown chakra

Every day I read something insightful and inspiring.
Every flash of inspiration reminds me that my inner resources are all-knowing and all-powerful.
I accept my inner voice with reverence and respect.
I am ready to act on all inspiration that comes to me.
I ask that the work I do provide me with its own inspiration and energy.
I combine inspired thought with intelligent action.
I dare to follow my inner voice.
My inspirational signals are clear and strong.

Chakradance is sound healing, movement and meditation all rolled into one relaxing and enjoyable practice. Why not try it for yourself?

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings.

Christina at Raw Mojo

Join us for the Crown Chakradance Journey

Pranayama – breathe better, feel better

What’s the big deal about pranayama and breath work?

Pranayama or breath work, in all its forms, has gained a ton of credibility—and popularity—as a stress management and healing tool.

In their book, The Healing Power of the Breath, doctors Richard P. Brown and Patricia L. Gerbarg write:

“Studies are revealing that, by changing the patterns of breathing, it is possible to restore balance to the stress response systems, calm an agitated mind, relieve symptoms of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), improve physical health and endurance, elevate performance, and enhance relationships.”

Physical well-being. Lightness of heart. Clarity of mind. Inner and outer health and fulfillment. Purpose, intention, and direction.

If you could produce these sorts of results with a daily breath and meditation practice, would you be interested?

Research suggests even just 10 minutes of meditation a day over one month is enough to help you feel more focused, present, self compassionate, happier, less stressed and support you in flourishing in life. Increasing this to twice a day with some pranayama breath practice will really get results.

It seems crazy because we are doing it all the time but most of us don’t know how to breathe effectively.

Many people breathe from their chests instead of their diaphragms, resulting in shallow breathing which over time both reduces their oxygen intake and their ability to fully empty their breath, and detox their body.

Every cell in our bodies needs oxygen to function properly. So it’s no surprise that research shows that a regular practice of controlled breathing can decrease the effects of stress on the body and increase overall physical and mental health.

Learning diaphragmatic breathing and slowing the rate of breathing are the first steps in managing the symptoms of anxiety, anger and panic.

When someone is upset to the point of hyperventilating we get them to regulate their breathing. Pranayama is taking this even further by using very sophisticated breathing techniques that have very precise effects. 

Pranayama has immediate effects on the nervous system so is wonderful for calming, balancing and uplifting our mood in the moment. But practiced regularly pranayama has deeper and more long term effects. 

The ancient sages of India discovered these breathing techniques which are simple to practice and brought great relaxation to the body and mind, in preparation for meditation.

These breathing techniques can be practiced with ease and at any time of the day, ideally on an empty stomach.

Is your mind buzzing with activity? Can’t stop thinking about what someone said about you? Find a quiet corner and try the Bhramari pranayama (Bee breath) to apply brakes in the buzzing mind. This breathing technique is wonderful for those with hypertension.

Among the breathing techniques, Kapal Bhati pranayama (Skull Shining breathing technique) is considered the most important and effective for detoxifying the body and clearing the energy channels.

Low energy levels? Three rounds of Bhastrika pranayama (Bellow breath) will get your energy levels soaring!

Can’t concentrate on the task at hand? Try nine rounds of Nadi Shodhana pranayama (Alternate nostril breathing technique.)

Nadi Shodhana pranayama calms and centres the mind by bringing into harmony the left and right hemispheres of the brain which correlates to the logical and emotional sides of our personality.

If you would like to learn these techniques, see the details of my Pranayama and Meditation workshop below.

From reducing stress to getting better rest, these techniques have a demonstrated positive impact on quality of life.

Over 70 independent studies conducted on four continents and published in peer-reviewed journals, have demonstrated a comprehensive range of benefits from practicing Himalayan Yogic Pranayamas.

Pranayama techniques can restore balance to the stress response systems, calm an agitated mind, relieve symptoms of anxiety, improve physical health and endurance, elevate performance, and enhance relationships, improve confidence and decision-making, and provide relief from negative thinking and depression.

Pranayama is the art and science of yogic breathing techniques, and these techniques will reliably produce the above benefits when practiced consistently.

Breathing is something we do on a daily basis. The body, in a living state, breathes involuntarily whether we are awake, sleeping, or actively exercising.

Breathing is living. It is a vital function of life. In yoga, we refer to this as pranayama. Prana is a Sanskrit word that means life force and ayama means extending or stretching. Thus, the word “pranayama” translates to the control of life force. It is also known as the extension of breath.

Pranayama is also the practice of tuning and aligning our breath and our life force with the natural intelligence at work in all manifested reality. Everything in this world that appears static is actually vibrating. When we tune our prana we ensure that our whole being is vibrating at its optimal level.

There are a variety of breathing techniques that are known to reduce stress, aid in digestion, improve sleep, and calm you down.

If you would are interested to learn these techniques, see the details of my Pranayama and Meditation workshop below.

Introduction to Pranayama and Meditation, April 28, 10:30am-12:30pm at Raw Mojo.

In this two hour workshop we will explore simple yet powerful breathing techniques that you can bring into your daily life.

We will use breath to activate our prana, our vitality, balance and calm our mind and body and finish with a simple meditation practice.

You will leave with a variety of techniques that you can practice at home. There will be some gentle movement and stretching to ensure you remain supple and comfortable during the session.

There are limited spaces in our intimate studio so book in early to save a spot.

Totally suitable for beginners.

Bookings here

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings.

Christina at Raw Mojo

“Weak gut, foggy mind.” How the Solar Plexus Chakra activates our gut intelligence.

The solar plexus chakra is known as Manipura in Sanskrit, which means lustrous gem. This truly is the shining jewel of your vital life force energy.

Manipura regulates our pranic – or life force – energy throughout our body, controlling our energy balance, vitality and strength. It governs our digestive fires and heat regulation in the body.

The solar plexus chakra is the seat of our personal power and will. Energetically, it is the fire that fuels our metabolism, and when activated it increases our energy, drive, and sense of purpose.

And really, who couldn’t use some of that?

The seed mantra for Solar Plexus Chakra is RAM. Its element is Fire. Manipura is considered the centre of dynamism, energy, willpower, and achievement (iccha shakti), which radiates prana throughout the entire body. It is also associated with the sense of sight and the action of movement. 

Through meditating on Manipura, we can turn on this inner power and release this optimal flow of prana.

Scientists have begun to call the solar plexus and gut area the ‘second brain’ of the body. Serotonin, the neurotransmitter that is linked to depression, is largely found in the intestinal tract.

As my teacher Anandji says “Weak gut, foggy mind.” Our metabolism, digestion, growth, and healing all take place in the network of nerve plexus below the waist.

This ‘second brain’ is the place change and transformation is created.

In the ancient yogic texts, it states that “all yoga starts in the Navel Point”. The navel is an important centre of energy transformation in the body.

A strong navel brings many blessings including better circulation throughout the body, an overall feeling of well-being, more courage, and a deeper ability to meditate and transform on energetic levels.

A weak navel reflects a fatigued body, anxious mind, and restless spirit.

In Sattva Yoga we awaken the intelligence of your navel point through various simple yet sophisticated yogic techniques.

Navel activating kriyas and breath work have traditionally been used as a way to stoke the digestive fire, clean unnecessary fat from the belly, improve organ functioning, and balance the solar plexus chakra, manipura.

Ultimately this practice can bring you lots of powerful energy which can be used for very real transformation.

Let’s begin with a breathing exercise or pranayama called the Breath of Fire. This exercise will really tune you into your inner power source and get your solar plexus chakra pumping.

Place your hands on your belly. As you breathe in through your nose, your lungs fill with air and your belly pushes out.

Feel your belly pushing into your hands. As you exhale through your nose, empty your lungs and flatten your belly. At the end of your exhalation, gently pull your navel towards your spine.

Then, breathe in gently through your nose, feeling your belly expand. Exhale through your nose as you press your navel towards your spine, gently using your abdominal muscles. 

Begin to do this quickly, almost like a dog panting, only through your nose. Feel your belly bounce. Do this rapid breath about 30 times, making sure that you breathe in and out of your nose each time. If you feel comfortable with this breathing, you can repeat the 30 breaths up to 4 times. 

Fire breathing is a powerful way of cleansing and energising your solar plexus and your whole energetic field. 

Now let’s centre ourselves for the mantra meditation. Play the video.

Begin by grounding yourself, either sitting on the floor or on a chair and feel your spine or your feet rooted to the earth.

Feel the crown of your head connected to the energy of the divine or the source.

Imagine the line of energy that extends from your crown to your root chakra, and then bring your awareness to a point on this line around your belly and diaphragm.

Now repeat the mantra RAM as you keep your attention on your solar plexus chakra. Manipura.

(Note: this video goes for about an hour so you may want to set a timer for a shorter period of time, say 5-10 minutes)

When you have finished. Again draw your awareness back to your root chakra and your connection to the earth.

Sit quietly for a moment before going about your day. Be aware of your energy, power and inner fire throughout the day.

Let your entire day become a chakra meditation.

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings.

Try Sattva Yoga – Solar Plexus Chakra Flow on Friday 22 March

Express Yourself!


Have you ever walked away from a conversation where you felt you just weren’t heard?

Whether you were silent or you tried to speak but your words just came our wrong, there is something so disempowering about not being heard. Often it brings back painful memories of childhood when we were told our voice was not welcome, too silly, too loud, too childish.

Many of us carry years of these kinds of interactions in our memory bank, in our body memory, and much of this is energetically stored at the Throat Chakra.


The Throat Chakra is the centre of communication. From a conversation at the grocery store to saying “I do” at the altar, every conversation you have adds or depletes energy at this point in your body.

But communication is a relationship. It involves listening as much as speaking. The Throat Chakra also rules the ears. When you hold back from saying what you mean or stop listening, your Throat Chakra cannot flow freely.

This may manifest in the form of a physical irritation, dry throat, blocked ears, aversion to wearing things around your neck, or it may come out in your dreams. It will definitely affect your ability to communicate.

Our words, and the intention behind them, hold vibrations and therefore impact our entire being. When we complain, gossip, lie, or talk negatively, it is as though we are putting toxins into our bodies and into our energy systems. The negative energy of our words also affects other people.

After I danced the Heart Chakradance this week a tightness had settled on my throat. I knew it was the energetic residue of this recent interaction that had left me so thwarted in my expression.

I put the Throat Chakradance Journeying music on and entered the mantradance – this is a practice of chanting a mantra whilst dancing, the movement and the sound creating a wonderfully hypnotic experience, where we can slide into a deep meditative state.

Sound and movement are natural partners. Unfortunately many of us feel inhibited to make sounds, let alone to move at the same time.

It was such sweet release. Just that pure self expression, that freedom to express sound without restraint.

Chakradance Journeying will take you deep into your Throat Chakra the seat of your creativity, to give you the opportunity to work with any ‘stuckness’ that you may feel in the throat area.

This stuckness can be about a life situation in the present or the past. It can relate to something ancestral or global.

Allowing your body to move the sounds through space as freely as you wish helps you get in touch with a time when your voice was strong and visible, and movement flowed freely. Let this dance become a vehicle for the creative expression of your true essence.

The dance will help you tune into the power of vibrations. When you become more aware of the world on a vibrational level, you open up to communication on a different level – you ‘tune into’ the vibes. You can feel when something, someone, or a place ‘resonates’ with you.

We begin the Throat Chakradance with gentle neck movements (moving neck slowly from side to side) and begin to sense how we feel in the Throat Chakra. The dance is based on a mantradance. Each chakra has a mantra which when chanted acts as a doorway into the chakra.

The mantra for the Throat Chakra is “ham” (pronounced hum). We will begin with a few minutes of purely focusing on sounding the mantra – inhale through your nose and exhale with the mantra sound of “ham”.

And then we will move into the mantradance, where we weave together sound (ham) and movement. This is a practice inspired by Tibetan culture, where monks carry out mystical rituals combining chanting with delicate movements of the body.

This dance will begin to activate inner experiences – it is almost like entering into a waking dream. You may see images in your mind’s eye while you are dancing, or recall memories or gain insights. You may experience feelings, emotions or physical sensations.

It’s an organic unfoldment of what’s inside this chakra. In Chakradance we ask you to be mindful of your experiences, to observe them, witness them, be present to your own experience. This is the way we shift our energy.

Vissudha, the throat chakra is the expression of your authentic self through speech and creativity.

The word Vissudha means purification. Here we begin to flow from the authentic sense of power that we have raised through the navel/solar plexus and heart. Here expression becomes the radiance of our dharma, our individualised cosmic intelligence and purpose. Here we find our true voice.

With our words we create our world. In this energy of Vissudha you are called to correct your intellect and move towards greater clarity and understanding, to know the power of your words as a generator of meaning, that your communication may become a transmitter of compassion and the radiance of love.

In the words of Hafiz, “the words you speak become the house you live in.”.

Join me for Throat Chakra yoga on Friday 15 February and Throat Chakradance on March 10 at Raw Mojo.

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings!

Upcoming events at Raw Mojo Chakradance here

Get your communication humming with mantra practice

As you rise up into the energy of the throat chakra, you will begin to notice a shift in energy. Each of the four lower chakras corresponds energetically to a physical element. By the time you reach the throat, you are moving out of the physical plane and into the non-physical realm of ether.

Vissudha, the Sanskrit word for the throat chakra, literally means purification. In the throat Chakradance, we chant and sing to cleanse the throat chakra, and enhance our ability for self-expression. 

The non-physical element associated with Vissudha is ether, the field of subtle vibrations surrounding all things. The throat chakra, more than any other, governs our relationship with vibrations and resonance.

It is from the throat centre that you produce sound through vibration. As such it is incredibly susceptible to vibrational energy, and responsive to resonance of all kinds.

Chanting and humming, listening to vibrational sounds are among the best ways to clear and balance this chakra. 

Physiologically this chakra governs the health of the throat, nose, ears, mouth, neck and vocal cords, as well as the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which are responsible for our metabolism.

The throat chakra carries the energies of truth, integrity, honesty and communication. It also governs the ability to listen, both to the words of others and your own internal dialogue within your body. 

The throat chakra energy is resonant with authenticity and purification. Paramount to Vissudha, is the expression of self through speech and creativity. Finding your true voice.

With our words we create our world. In this energy of Vissudha you are called to correct your intellect and move towards greater clarity and understanding, to know the power of your words as a generator of meaning, that your communication may become a transmitter of compassion and the radiance of love.

In the words of Hafiz, “the words you speak become the house you live in.”

The Humming Breath is a wonderful pranayama or breath practice to stimulate the throat chakra.

Sit in a comfortable position with a straight spine.

Begin by exhaling as much air as possible from your lungs before taking in a deep, slow breath through your nose, refilling your lungs.

On your next exhalation, make a soft humming sound like a bee.

When you run out of breath, take another deep inhalation, continuing the humming sound as you exhale.

Begin with a few minutes practice, working up to 10-15 minutes at a time. 

Now play the video and chant the mantra “ham” pronounced “hum” as you exhale.

When you have finished your humming breath and mantra practice, lie down and relax for a few minutes.

Let your humming throat chakra energy fuel your self-expression in your day.

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings.

Sattva Yoga Flow + Chakradance classes

The beautiful art work used is Throat Chakra by Qahira Lynn

Open Your Heart Chakra


“Close your eyes, fall in love, stay there.” Rumi

This week we journey into Anahata, the heart chakra. This is the chakra of love and compassion.

When the heart chakra is open, with a steady supply of prana or life force energy, we are able to walk through life with a strong spine and open heart. Walking with an open heart means walking through life with trust, loving kindness and generosity.

Throughout our lives, it is inevitable that we experience emotional pain. We experience the impermanent nature of life. We get hurt in relationships. This is part of the human journey.

These sufferings can cause us to shut down our hearts so that we don’t feel the pain. But when we close our hearts for protection, we also close our hearts to the flow of love, forgiveness and compassion.

The Sanskrit word for the heart chakra is अनाहत, Anāhata, meaning “un-struck.” This name conceptualises the idea that the heart is resonant, an ‘unstruck’ instrument resonating to the sounds of the celestial realm, a hint of the transcendent manifest in our own unique being.

Anahata also means unhurt and unbeaten. Which is a nice image for those feeling a little weary of heart.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” Dalai Lama

Movement, sound and breath are the keys for heart opening. Moving freely with my arms open, breathing deeply, expanding my chest and lungs, as I dance to harmonious music, always brings me back to my heart centre.

As Anahata is related to the element air, it is accessible through the breath.

Visualising breathing through your heart centre, imagining love-filled light entering your body via your heart is a wonderful heart-opening exercise.

In Chakradance, to dance the heart chakra is to move with lightness, joy and compassion.

In this dance we have the intention of gently beginning to let go of the hurts stored in our body so that we can open to pure love. The Heart Chakradance is like a ritual for healing your heart.

We begin with the ‘white light’ moving meditation, before moving into the dance. We will finish by creating a mandala artwork, and we’ll have a short time for feedback and sharing, before our closing meditation.

In Chakradance, we move the arms to feel uplifted, light and free, we dance a soaring journey of love, compassion and joy.

“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.” Confucius

Through your heart chakra, you have the choice to expand your consciousness through the power of love, openness and receptivity, or contract your consciousness through the power of fear.

The heart is so much more than the source of romantic love, many cultures believe the heart chakra is the seat of your soul in your body.

The heart is the ‘other’ mind of our body, the wisdom centre of the soul, and it is far more responsible for governing our lives and actions than we give it credit for.

Meditating on the heart chakra helps to shift from ego-based, fearful actions, or karma, to resonating with the energy of our higher self, and what yogis might call dharma or higher purpose.

“Is it not fascinating to you, that right now we are floating around on a tiny blue dot, surrounded by  infinity in all directions. Nobody is totally, absolutely certain of how we are here and yet here we are. It is not fascinating to you, the amount of grace it takes for you to have a breath, this breath you just took? Don’t you think this is love? Then what is it that keeps us longing for it and not giving us the permission to experience it?” Anand Mehrotra

As long as energy is not available at the heart, we are not capable of a sustained experience of love.

It is important to realise that the heart is never “broken.” Emotional hurt and fear is stored in your lower two chakras. Through balancing your lower chakras, activating your navel intelligence, you free up so much energy to move up into your heart.

Here you can transcend existential angst, where you experience life as a painful struggle and build walls of protection around yourself.

As you balance the lower chakras, you experience stability, flow, steadfast will. Your energy can flow freely up into your heart. When emotion arises you can observe it, respond appropriately, you do not get hijacked by it.

Life becomes the flow of grace. Even pain has its purpose. You develop a deep and abiding trust in the flow of life.

Trust is highest expression of love. Trust is about you trusting yourself. Trusting yourself to experience life as it unfolds, without fear or grasping.

This is the purpose of yoga and subtle energy practices like Chakradance, to transcend these old patterns and emotional states into a more expansive experience of life.

Come and dance the Heart Chakradance Journey with us, and try Sattva Flow, a chakra-centred yoga practice, save your spot here

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings,


Heart Sattva Yoga Flow this Friday 8 February

Heart Chakradance this Sunday 10 February

Upcoming events at Raw Mojo Chakradance here

7 Days 7 Mudras Day 7 Namaskar Mudra


Practising Namaskar Mudra is an excellent way to induce a meditative state of awareness. It is a gesture of reverence, benediction, salutation.

The practice of Namaskar Mudra brings an experience of unity, sacredness, wholeness, and fullness of life. You are unifying the divine feminine and divine masculine. It creates harmony, balance, silence, and peace of mind.


Sit cross-legged (or any easy seated position), bring the base of the palms together at the heart centre, Press the hands firmly but evenly against each other. Make sure that one hand (usually your right hand if you are right-handed, your left if left-handed) doesn’t dominate the other. If you find such imbalance, release the dominant hand slightly but don’t increase the pressure of the non-dominant hand.

Bow your head slightly, drawing the crease of the neck toward the center of your head. Lift your sternum into your thumbs and lengthen down along the back of the armpits, making the back elbows heavy.

Close your eyes and take several deep, long breaths.


Although mudras show immediate effects, most need time 30-45 minutes (this can be spread throughout the day) over an extended period of time.

Practising Namaskar Mudra is an excellent way to induce a meditative state of awareness. Start your practice sitting in meditation in Namaskar Mudra for 5 minutes.

You can also use this hand position in Tadasana prior to beginning the Sun Salutation sequence, contemplating the “sun” or light of awareness that resides in your heart.

Surya Namaskar, Salute to the Sun, or Sun Salutation, is a yoga practice incorporating a sequence of gracefully linked asanas or postures. It is best done early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Surya Namaskar practice video


By doing the Namaskar Mudra (joining of palms), a greater level of Divine consciousness is absorbed into the body. All the elements are connected and balanced as well as balancing the masculine and feminine energies.

The practice of Namaskar Mudra brings an experience of unity, sacredness, wholeness, and fullness of life. You are unifying the divine feminine and divine masculine. It creates harmony, balance, silence, and peace of mind.


In Sanskrit, mudra means “seal”, “mark” or “gesture.” Mudras are gestures (often of the hands but in Sattva Yoga we also use mudras of the eyes and tongue, and other body techniques).

Mudras act as psychic energy seals that create energetic shifts in the mental, physical and energetic body through guiding the energetic flow and harnesssing the bodily reflex stimulus to the brain.

The tips of your fingers, crown of your head, and feet are where energy leaves your body. You can practice mudras to channel that energy back into your body.


The hand has three gunas, or qualities, and every finger has its own energy and its own elements.

In yogic philosophy the three gunas, fundamental forces, are tamas, rajas, and sattva. They interact to create all of the known Universe (Prakriti), and can be increased or decreased by using mudras.

Sattva manifests as balance, inspiration, and knowledge of what is real. Tamas is a heavy, mindless energy that causes ignorance and inaction. Rajas is the energy of change, manifesting as passion, pain, desire, and effort, and it can lead you to sattva or tamas but is often characterized as attachment to outcomes and unsteadiness.

Your hand has each of these three guna characteristics, and each finger is associated with an element.

Thumb Divine activator, Agni (Fire), Manipura chakra

Index Finger Individual Soul (Jiva), Vaayu (Air), Anahata chakra

Middle Finger Sattva Guna (Purity/Light), Akasha (Ether/Space), Vissuddha chakra

Ring Finger Rajas Guna (Passion/Fire) Prithvi (Earth), Muladhara chakra

Little Finger Tamas Guna (Inertia/Darkness) Jal (Water), Swadisthana chakra


You can use mudras to increase, decrease or stabilise the gunas and specific elements. Whatever you need in your life, there is a mudra for it!
Some mudras show immediate effects, yet most need time 30-45 minutes (can be spread throughout the day) over an extended period of time.
You may notice some of the names I use are different from what you may be used to. My teacher comes from the Himalayan yoga tradition and so I use the names as he teaches them. Teachers from other traditions may used varied terminology.


Why a new you? There’s nothing wrong with the ‘old you’ but the only real constant in life is change. So you can make this change conscious, harnessing intention and practice to steer change in an evolutionary direction, or you can just be at the mercy of old, unconscious behavioural patterns and programming.

New Year is a wonderful time to set the intention of renewal. But really our cells are renewing constantly so we can renew our body anytime.

Mudras are a powerful component of Sattva Yoga as well as a technology you can use on their own.

Over the next 7 days I am going to share my favourite mudras with you. And talk about how mudras work and what they can do for you.

I recommend trying each mudra for a day and at the end of the 7 days, if you feel inspired, choosing a mudra to practice with daily for a 21 day meditation practice or sadhana.

Drop me a comment and let me know how you go. I love hearing stories of the effects of these subtle but powerful practices.

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings.

Christina at Raw Mojo

Check out upcoming Sattva Yoga and Chakradance classes here


7 Days 7 Mudras Day 6 Kamala Mudra


The Kamala (lotus) Mudra opens the heart chakra and is a symbol of purity. A lotus flower sits on the surface of the pond, opening to the sun as its roots remain deeply embedded into the muddy bottom, holding it firm and strong. It is the symbol of light and beauty emerging from the darkness.

The Goddess Kamala is located in the heart chakra, the place of devotional worship. She is the image of the heart’s delight and the heart’s wisdom for perfect beauty and happiness. Visualise this perfect fulfilment as the Divine grace that naturally comes for the heart of all beings.

The message of the lotus mudra is to stay connected to your roots, open yourself to the light and realize that the greatest sense of steadiness in life is an open heart.


Sit cross-legged (or any easy seated position), bring the base of the palms together at the heart centre, touching the thumbs and pinky fingers together. Spread the rest of the fingers out like the lotus flower opening toward the sunlight. Close your eyes and take several deep, long breaths.

It is highly recommended to practice this mudra in a quiet setting while meditating and focusing on the breath. If possible, this should be done for 30 to 45 minutes a day, this can be broken down into shorter sets.


Although mudras show immediate effects, most need time 30-45 minutes (this can be spread throughout the day) over an extended period of time.

I recommend using this mudra in a meditation practice, either 30 minutes, two lots of 20 minutes, three lots of 15 minutes or five rounds of 5 minutes across the day.


This mudra opens and cultivates heart chakra.

It symbolises purity, light and beauty emerging from the darkness.

After practising this mudra you should feel grounded and strong like a lotus flower, while opening your heart to the joys of life.

The Kamala Mudra drains out misunderstanding, helps to release tension, and is also practiced to enhance the fire element in the body. It is a great reminder of the beauty and grace that is within you and those around you.

You can use it for cultivating love and affection, to ease loneliness, and can also be practiced when one feels drained, exploited or misunderstood.

Take some time to open your heart.

Practising this mudra opens you to the love that is always available, deepening your capacity for compassion and detachment, increasing acceptance, surrender and trust.


In Sanskrit, mudra means “seal”, “mark” or “gesture.” Mudras are gestures (often of the hands but in Sattva Yoga we also use mudras of the eyes and tongue, and other body techniques).

Mudras act as psychic energy seals that create energetic shifts in the mental, physical and energetic body through guiding the energetic flow and harnesssing the bodily reflex stimulus to the brain.

The tips of your fingers, crown of your head, and feet are where energy leaves your body. You can practice mudras to channel that energy back into your body.


The hand has three gunas, or qualities, and every finger has its own energy and its own elements.

In yogic philosophy the three gunas, fundamental forces, are tamas, rajas, and sattva. They interact to create all of the known Universe (Prakriti), and can be increased or decreased by using mudras.

Sattva manifests as balance, inspiration, and knowledge of what is real. Tamas is a heavy, mindless energy that causes ignorance and inaction. Rajas is the energy of change, manifesting as passion, pain, desire, and effort, and it can lead you to sattva or tamas but is often characterized as attachment to outcomes and unsteadiness.

Your hand has each of these three guna characteristics, and each finger is associated with an element.

Thumb Divine activator, Agni (Fire), Manipura chakra

Index Finger Individual Soul (Jiva), Vaayu (Air), Anahata chakra

Middle Finger Sattva Guna (Purity/Light), Akasha (Ether/Space), Vissuddha chakra

Ring Finger Rajas Guna (Passion/Fire) Prithvi (Earth), Muladhara chakra

Little Finger Tamas Guna (Inertia/Darkness) Jal (Water), Swadisthana chakra


You can use mudras to increase, decrease or stabilise the gunas and specific elements. Whatever you need in your life, there is a mudra for it!
Some mudras show immediate effects, yet most need time 30-45 minutes (can be spread throughout the day) over an extended period of time.
You may notice some of the names I use are different from what you may be used to. My teacher comes from the Himalayan yoga tradition and so I use the names as he teaches them. Teachers from other traditions may used varied terminology.


Why a new you? There’s nothing wrong with the ‘old you’ but the only real constant in life is change. So you can make this change conscious, harnessing intention and practice to steer change in an evolutionary direction, or you can just be at the mercy of old, unconscious behavioural patterns and programming.

New Year is a wonderful time to set the intention of renewal. But really our cells are renewing constantly so we can renew our body anytime.

Mudras are a powerful component of Sattva Yoga as well as a technology you can use on their own.

Over the next 7 days I am going to share my favourite mudras with you. And talk about how mudras work and what they can do for you.

I recommend trying each mudra for a day and at the end of the 7 days, if you feel inspired, choosing a mudra to practice with daily for a 21 day meditation practice or sadhana.

Drop me a comment and let me know how you go. I love hearing stories of the effects of these subtle but powerful practices.

Hari om tat sat. Namaste. Blessings.

Christina at Raw Mojo

Check out upcoming Sattva Yoga and Chakradance classes here
